Christ Church Bexleyheath

Tel: 07340 851820
Email the Office

Booking Information

Booking Information 

Please email - - for a booking form

Times of Booking: Please note the period of the booking must include time to set up before and clear up after the event. We recommend an hour for set up and clear up.

You are expected to have left the building by the time indicated on this form, leaving it clean and tidy.

Other events may be running in the Halls before and after your event.

Payment: Full payment is needed before bookings can be confirmed.

Please make payment by electronic transfer, where possible, to the account below, including your booking reference number. Failure to do so will result in your booking being cancelled.

BACS payments: MUST include our booking/invoice number as a reference.

All cheques should be made payable to ‘Christ Church PCC’ and have your booking reference on the back.

Key and Damage Deposit:

In addition, a normally returnable deposit of £150 must be paid at the time of key collection. This can be by cheque or cash and is to ensure against breakages, failure to return the keys or leaving the halls untidy. Photographs via WhatsApp must be supplied at the beginning and end of hiring to prove the condition of the halls.

Return of Deposit: If the hall booking conditions are adhered to, the deposit will be returned approximately 2 weeks after your event or when the key is returned. This will be less any deductions made for breach of the

Conditions of Hire for Occasional Users, breakages, failure to return the keys or leaving the halls untidy.  Any deposit cheque can be securely shredded or returned to you.


The kitchen must be booked at the same time as any Hall bookings and is subject to shared use by a third party – (users in the alternative hall).

Cancellation: If you cancel within 2 weeks of the event, we reserve the right to retain up to 50% of the total hire cost.

Key Collection and Return: The user(s) is/are responsible for collecting the key from the Parish Administrator before the event and the safe return afterwards.

  • Collection: is on a Thursday or Friday between 10am - 2pm before the event from the Parish Office, unless otherwise arranged.
  • Return: should happen within 7 days of the event and ideally should be to the Parish Office. 
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