In the smaller Pincott Hall, the lights run across the hall on beams and are only 3.5 metres with much less than that between them. Definitely not enough room for a bouncy castle!
Hiring Fees - Pincott Hall - £30 per hour.
The Pincott Hall floor is in two sections:
The main floor – the boarded part - is 9 metres from entrance door to start of the carpeted area, and 7 metres 35 cm wide; and a further but narrower 1 metres 92 cm area carpeted where it is only 4 metres wide before you reach the main carpeted area which is a further 3 metres to the end, and just 4 metres wide, therefore a total of 4 metres 92 cm length of this narrower 4 metres wide bit next to the stairs & disabled lift.
There are 32 chairs and 8 folding tables, stored in the corner of the hall.