Christ Church Bexleyheath

Tel: 07340 851820
Email the Office

Activities to Join

Weekly at Christ Church, Bexleyheath

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 9am Morning Prayer

(Via our Facebook group - )


Monday's Craft Group - (1st & 3rd) - (except bank holidays when it moves to 2nd Monday)

10am - 12noon – New Room - led by Betty Richards


Mondays 1.00pm – 4.00pm - CCB short mat bowls club - (Boys Brigade Hall)


Tuesdays (1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th) - 10am - 12noon Knitting Group - (New Room inside Church) 


Tuesdays & Fridays - 2.15pm – Stella R Active Health - (Pincott Hall) with Stella - (


Thursdays 10:30am – 12noon (Roberts Hall) - Sunbeams (under 5s) Term time only


Fridays (1st & 3rd) - Bible Group - 10am - 11.30am - (New Room inside Church)


Saturdays - 10am – 12:30pm  Josie’s Vintage Café - (New Room inside Church)


Monthly at Christ Church, Bexleyheath

Monday’s Monthly Home Group – 3rd Monday of each month - 1.30pm


Tuesday's Monthly Ladies Group - (3rd Tuesday of eache month) 

2.15pm - 4pm - New Room - led by Patricia Croft


Monthly Lunchtime Concert – 1st Wednesday of each month (except January & August)

12.00noon (Lunch) & 1pm (Concert) - led by Pat Perks


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